Hi lovelies,
Today I'm doing a tag. I've seen the 'first date tag' floating around on YouTube and when I saw
HeyClaire do this tag I was like 'okay that's it. I'm doing this on my blog.' So here it is. Let's also say that this tag will contain a mixture of experiences from the past as I'm now in a committed relationship but I still go on dates with my girlfriend so I'll also answer from that point of view.
Obligatory lovey-dovey picture |
1. How long does it take you to get ready for a date?
Well, I like to take my time... I'm slow and a lot of things needs to happen. Shower, hair, make-up, outfit... I need at least an hour but in reality I go for 2 hours. When I really have to hurry I can be ready a lot faster of course but I'd rather take my sweet time.
2. What's your idea of a perfect first date? Dinner, drinks, cinema or adventurous dates?
I would either go for drinks or an adventurous date. But don't get me wrong. When I say drinks I also want a little something to nom on but going for dinner is too formal for my taste. When I say adventurous I don't mean adventurous like going for a hike in the woods but I mean an activity. Not something that takes all the effort in the world but just something casual to do because it's less awkward than just sitting opposite from each other in a bar.
Little known fact about me, I used to invite guys to go shopping with me and if they couldn't handle that I already knew they wouldn't be a keeper.
3. What would you gravitate more towards to wear on a date? Jeans, trousers, skirt or a dress?
It depends on the date, if you can persuade me to go for a dinner or drinks I'll wear a skirt or dress because it's more fancy but when you go for an activity as a date I would opt for jeans an a top and if I really want to impress you, heels, but don't count on those.
4. On the date of your choice, what make-up would you wear? Girl next door, smokey and sexy, bold lips or brights?
Hmmm, for drinks I'd go for smokey and sexy only for the fact that if I'll be eating or drinking a bold lip would be too high-maintenance. What date would like to see you reapply your lipstick 20 times a night? No one needs to see that on a first date but I do really like bold lips so I'd hold that for later dates. For a casual activity I'd choose girl next door. Can you see yourself do something sporty or adventurous with a full-face of make-up? No just no.
5. Your date says you half an hour to be ready, what do you do?
Well, I love the initiative they take when they just plan the day and tell me be ready then and there. I'd just make sure to be ready. It also shows you're not always as high maintenance. You don't need all the make-up. Tell yourself that next time.
6. Your date asks for the bill, do you... A. offer to pay and mean it, B. make a fake fuss with no intention of paying or c. expect him to pay right away?
I'm quite feministic. I believe strongly in equality and don't need special treatment because I'm a woman. So even when people invite me on a date I'll always pay my half. I don't want to be treated and if you really insist I'll make sure I'll pay next time. It's only fair, we all work hard for our money and it's unfair that men should pay for women. They need to make ends meet at the end of the month too so just pay your own half.
7. Do you go out with him again?
Euhm if I like him/her, sure. I'm not sure if this question is a follow up of the previous one but money never indicates the future of a relationship for me.
8. It's time to say goodbye, you really like your date do you... A. Wave B. Hug C. Kiss on the cheek D. Peck or E. Full on smootch?
Euhm if I don't like my date or feel really uncomfortable at the end I'll wave but usually I look what they are about to do and usually it ends in a peck or when I really like someone a full on smootch but it really just depends.
So would you go on a date with me?
- Nikki