Saturday, July 12, 2014

The waves of the sea help me get back to me

Hi lovelies,
The last blogpost about my vacation, you've reached the end... Congratulations. I'm going to use this as a bit of a diary, the things I did, all the selfies I took, all the pictures I took from others, just about everything that didn't fit in the other blogposts. Mainly we took a resting vacation this time but we took a couple of trips to Oostende to shop and went to Nieuwpoort Beach a couple of times and met up with friends who were also taking their vacations in the neighbourhood.

There is a little story I wanted to tell you, just so you can laugh with my misery. Just picture this. I was shopping in Oostende, just your regular beachtown. I was walking down the street in my cute dress just going from shop to shop and I suddenly get distracted by something. I saw something fall... Within seconds it dawned on me and I looked from the floor to my dress and then I saw it. A seagull had shit on me. Jup I kid you not, that actually happened. Trust me Seagull poop is not your average little birth poop. It's a lot and it stinks!!! No amount of paper towels and wet whipes could get the stains on my dress. I flipped in the middle of the street. God what are the chances that would actually happen? There was absolutely nothing I could do to get the stains and smell away and there was no way in hell I was going home in a dress full of poop so I ran to the nearest H&M with my handbag covering hopefully most of it. I bought a new outfit and changed in the changingrooms. There was no other way no matter how strange the lady at the changing rooms looked at me. So jup that happened.
Day 2 - Beach day
We met up with Indra and Donovan in the weekend to shop and walk around town. Afterwards we also hung out at their hotel which was so cute. I couldn't resist taking a couple sneaky pictures, hope they don't mind.
Before beach selfies
We accidentally took a selfie of a selfie, how awesome.
Selfie at 'het marmietje' a cafe where we ate pancakes.
Almost kissies
Mandatory feet in the sea picture
Trip to the pier with awesome view
Beach day essentials : Water, SPF and TUC cookies to snack on.
Wet hair selfie. Just before these pictures were taken I went swimming in the sea. It was great the waves were pretty big, the sea was just calling my name and I had to go swimming. I went alone because Anais didn't want to go and had to stay by the bags but in the end it's great experience because as a person you need to be able to do things alone and I'm not really good at that so it was good for me to try. So I went alone and was really conscious of everybody looking because I was the lonely one whilst everybody has someone with them in the water but as I started making fun in the waves on my own I realised I shouldn't care and stopping caring about others and I had a great time. I'm actually a little bit proud of doing that because maybe other times I would have said 'nevermind, I'll just stay, don't swim even though I really wanted to' but I didn't and when I got back Anais said ' I've been watching you the entire time and you really looked like you were having fun' and I was! So don't let anyone stop you, you can do things on your own and you should try it.
On our way back with all our bags, suitcases and skateboard

I already miss being by the sea, it was soo great to be on a little break from everything.


- Nikki

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