Here we are again, update time. I think by now we have established that I only blog when I feel like it and have the time which is rarely. Now that the school year is over once again but my vacationjob hasn't started yet it's prime blogging time #thumbsupforthat.
Over the last year I've started my shortened bachelor degree as a nurse. As you may or may not now I graduated as a ''graduated nurse'' which is a level below a bachelor. You basically do the same things but get paid less because the emphasis of the coursework is more practise based than all the theory and reasoning behind why you do things or how the illness is exactly formed. We got the basis version of that but I still wanted to know more about everything so I started my bachelor which is shortened because I already am a nurse. You can combine it with work but I've decided against that because I'm scared I wouldn't get around to studying after work.
Tomorrow I'm getting my grades from the last round of exams so I'm a bit nervous. I've passed the other three rounds so that's great. I really hope I've passed this round also, that would mean a Summer without a resit which would be the first time as a bachelor student. I've attempted a bachelor degree before but that didn't go as well, usually a lot of resits and little to no motivation. I've got a feeling my exams went well so I'm hopeful but you never know.
As far as Summer plans go... Coming Friday I have an appointment for a new piercing and I couldn't be more excited. I'm planning on getting a dermal underneath my left collarbone. You'll probably get to see a picture on Instagram at the end of the week. Maybe even here if I manage to keep going with the blogging thing. Later in the summer I'm going to Dour festival. It's kind of a tradition by now and again I'm so excited. I'm already planning what to bring and which outfits to wear even though that's kind of impossible with the Belgian weather you never know what you're going to get so my ideas may not even be wearable if it chucks it down with rain the entire week.
After Dour festival I start my summerjob. Two months full time as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital which is really fun. I look forward to it, I kinda missed working this year because I didn't intern nor did a weekendjob so I'd like to get back into the swing of things.
That's it for now,
I'm also gonna write a little animal update after this so you'll have that to look forward to.