Sunday, November 17, 2013

Someday Randoms #1

Hi lovelies, 
You know those random pictures that are too cute to do nothing with but not cute enough to be the center of an entire blogpost? My solution? Throw them all in one random-pictures-post. 
at Anais' school
Two of my little munchkins 
When you see a giant winnie the pooh on the street, you just drop everything you're carrying and go hug it, right? Or is that just me?
Whilst you do the above-mentioned also yell 'Anais, grab my camera, I need a picture!!!!!' Jep, Awesome...
Google chrome has updated and I love it, A dinosaur when your internet dissapears? I'm on board.
I have brown eyes but sometimes they shift colour, from light brown to very very dark brown when I've worked out (not that I workout so that never happens anymore FYI). Once when there was snow they turned bloodred (Seriously scary and awesome) but this very day the inside was still brown but the outsides turned green. I tried to photograph it but it doesn't show up as vibrant as in real life.
Duckface, anyone? I love how you see my stretch and piercing in this picture.
My guilty pleasure cookies and what did I notice? I missed a cookie in my package in the right basket. Me no likey...
My blog got 2000 pageviews, Aaaah so excited. I mean it's nothing to all those big blogs but it was a lot to me. Especially because almost nobody knows I'm running a blog. I don't even promote it because I don't want the people I know to have opinions on it, and with that I mean think it's stupid. So this all means people have found my blog on their own and I hope they like it and keep following it.
My dad bought my mother an ice-cream maker and at first she was like are you kidding me? Are you making me actually make ice-cream? But now she loves it, she likes experimenting with flavors and I guess she likes it so much because we all like the ice cream she makes. This one is raspberry and it's my favorite. I loved it sooooo much. Good job mommy.
On a sunday I went to see my nephew and look how much he has grown since our family get together in the summer. He is adorable. He is such a puffy baby and I love that. I think it's adorable that he has those fluffy babycheeks and puffy eyes. I get those same puffy eyes when I've cried. So I'm sorry little nephew, that's a familytraid, live with it.

- Nikki

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