Saturday, November 23, 2013

What Anais bought - Gerbil edition

Hi lovelies, 
So this happened... again... As I went to the animal store to get some food for my little muchie my mom noticed they had babygerbils. I looked and saw that there were 3 and about as big as the last nest that I told you about, the ones that disappeared. They probably are from the same nest and brought back to the store. Nonetheless, I told Anais, and with 'told her' I mean called her right away to than realise she was still in class. So I followed that call with numerous excited texts. Only a couple days(the 9th) later we went back to the store and took our 3 new boys home and boy, we couldn't have been more excited. 

This means we have now 5 gerbies, which don't live in the same place because they might kill each other and we don't want that. 2 bigger ones and 3 brandnew babies.
We have 2 sandcolours and 1 white one. In total that makes 1 wildcolour, 1 white one, 1 light grey one and 2 sand ones. Apparently we're going for all the colours here. They are so small, about 5cm and so fast that you can't possibly try to grab them because you would crush them. They squeak all the time what surprised us because none of the others do that but after a quick google search it turned out that was normal for babies because they are excited all the time. Just as we are now that we have them. 

Now for the exciting part what are the names? So we already had Jack and Twinkie and now we have added Desert, Skye and Snow. Snow is the white one. 
Fun fact : They fit easily with 2 in one basic toiletroll
They are so freakin' adorable, I can't even... aaaaaaah


- Nikki

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