Hi lovelies,
Today is the first time I felt like blogging in almost half a year. Lately I just wasn't feeling it. During the previous months I used the excuse that I was just so busy with school and I really didn't have the time and although that's true... It's not the whole truth because I was bored with blogging. It felt like a chore instead of the thing that I used to love. At the end of April I tried to do a shoot for outfit pictures. I call it 'shoot' but technically I just kept asking my girlfriend to take pictures until she was sick of me asking. These are the pictures that made the cut.
As I mentioned these were taken at the end of April and only now I'm finding the courage to even begin writing something surrounding these photographs. There is only so much you can say about clothes so I'll keep the outfit information short and use this blogpost as a life update.
What I Wore
Crop top - New Look
Floral midi skirt - New Look
High heels - Asos
Bag - Zara
What else can I tell you besides the fact that I really didn't want to blog?
The past few months I was quite busy with school. From the taking classing till interning and taking exams, it was quite hectic. For the first time in years I passed every single subject and got fantastic grades so I'm quite proud. I can finally go on to my last year of nursing school. I honestly thought that I would never get there as I have been studying and failing for this long.

Since the start of summerbreak I've been focusing on doing a lot more things with my new found free time. 'So much room for aktivities'. Besides working I took a trip to the beach... twice. I had a great time both weekends. I went for walks with friends, went out for food and drinks, went shopping (way to much shopping, trust me). I felt like I didn't make the most of my free time as I'm always watching shows in bed. Now that I'm getting out of the house more I feel more content with my life. It isn't always the biggest thing that I'm trying to do, it can be just going for a walk with the dogs or going out for drinks. Even those small things has stopped the feeling that I'm waisting precious time doing nothing. You're only young (and without responsibilities) once and I realised I should be making the most of it (or at least more as I'm taking baby steps. Let's just accept that I'm never going to be a partyanimal that goes out till morning every weekend)

Besides the fun stuff I just mentioned I've also started working out. After seeing these pictures I realised that I gained a few pounds (to put it lightly). I've started running a few weeks/maybe even months ago. During exams and the heatwave a few days ago I stopped but I'm trying to pick it up again.
My summer has been great so far, let's hope it continuous to be as nice.
How has yours been?
- Nikki