Friday, November 29, 2013

What I bought - Best Weekend Ever Edition

Hi lovelies,
I just had the best weekend ever. For all the specialness that happened you will have to wait a couple of days until I publish my second weekender edition. I can already tell you that shopping and presents happened and here they are.
 My lovely girlfriend (lovely isn't strong enough a word to express how wonderful she really is) surprised me with flowers. Aka present number 1. Not just any flowers, my favorite flowers. She often surprises me with a single rose for no special reason and this weekend she did again and got me a whole bouquet. I'm in love with it. It's so pretty. I love that she remembered what my favorite flowers are and bought me a bouquet of them for no specific reason, other than to surprise me and make me a happy little Princess (She calls me Princess and treats me like one, I'm a very lucky lady). 
When walking around town we wondered into Wibra, one of those cheap discount stores I love because who doesn't love cute stuff for almost no money? There my eyes saw him, the cutest panda stuffed animal you've ever seen. For only 1.99, she couldn't deny me his existence and bought him for me. We have loved our little Pandii ever since. It's round and fat, everything I love in a creature. People who really know me, know how I love round, curvy and fluffy everything, from stuffed animals to people. Strange? Yes probably but they need to be loved too and I'll gladly take that role upon me. Back to my Pandii, not only is he cute but turns out he is multi-functional. Because he is so round you can actually throw him around and make a throw and catch game out of him. We obviously are easily entertained....
Onto our last splurge of the day. Hema happened, I love that store because everything is sooo damn cute and they just have kinda everything from one household brand. They have a make-up line and I often like bits from there. I saw the blusher of their Christmas collection and wanted it so badly but I always try not to spend money and fail anyway. This is how that goes. *Looks at product*: 'I want you in my life' *Looks at Anais and thinks about my wallet*: 'I don't need it' Anais : Just buy it... This circle repeats itself about 8 times and I buy it anyways. The thing is I thought this was a slightly more plum version of the Sleek Rose Gold blush which I love. Turns out I just bought the exact same blush again, I know have 3 blushes in the exact same colour... At least I can say my taste is consistent? So that's 7.5 euros down the drain... The print is really pretty though...

On the way to the till I also noticed a vase full of nailpolish that happened to be on sale for only 1 euro per bottle so I also picked up this shade. It doesn't have a name but the number is 98.
Let's meet again for my weekender edition in 48 hours? Same place, Same time?


- Nikki

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm friends with the monster underneath my bed

Hi lovelies,
I have a new outfit-post for you. I wore this on a sunny but cold November Saturday. What did I wear exactly? A white cami from my mothers closet underneath a black and white cross sweater from New Look from last winter. I paired it with a red skater skirt from Bershka. To warm it all up I combined this with old knee-high stockings and a leather jacket from C&A and my always-on-my-feet Allstars. 

- Nikki

Monday, November 25, 2013

The weekender edition #1

Hi lovelies,
My first installment of the weekender. On a Thursday we went to reserve the babygerbies and took pictures of all the cute animals. On the following Saturday we got our babies. Roadtrip to the store, Hanne and Aida included. Later that day we ate and afterwards Hanne and Aida went to Bompad, a party on a military base, sounds awesome doesn't it? Pictures from all those days, Thursday till Sunday, are included below.
On our way to the animalstore, on Thursday
Most gorgeous chins alive
Our future muchie
Sleeping bunny, yes I checked to be sure and he was still breathing
'Mousti, NO that's my burger'
Getting ready
All the cutieness
I guess he was thirsty because this happened...
Mousti got in a fight with chestnut. He's going in for the kill.
It was a lovely and cosy weekend with lots of animal love and picture taking.


- Nikki

Saturday, November 23, 2013

What Anais bought - Gerbil edition

Hi lovelies, 
So this happened... again... As I went to the animal store to get some food for my little muchie my mom noticed they had babygerbils. I looked and saw that there were 3 and about as big as the last nest that I told you about, the ones that disappeared. They probably are from the same nest and brought back to the store. Nonetheless, I told Anais, and with 'told her' I mean called her right away to than realise she was still in class. So I followed that call with numerous excited texts. Only a couple days(the 9th) later we went back to the store and took our 3 new boys home and boy, we couldn't have been more excited. 

This means we have now 5 gerbies, which don't live in the same place because they might kill each other and we don't want that. 2 bigger ones and 3 brandnew babies.
We have 2 sandcolours and 1 white one. In total that makes 1 wildcolour, 1 white one, 1 light grey one and 2 sand ones. Apparently we're going for all the colours here. They are so small, about 5cm and so fast that you can't possibly try to grab them because you would crush them. They squeak all the time what surprised us because none of the others do that but after a quick google search it turned out that was normal for babies because they are excited all the time. Just as we are now that we have them. 

Now for the exciting part what are the names? So we already had Jack and Twinkie and now we have added Desert, Skye and Snow. Snow is the white one. 
Fun fact : They fit easily with 2 in one basic toiletroll
They are so freakin' adorable, I can't even... aaaaaaah


- Nikki

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Little by little one travels far

Hi lovelies, 
If you have a blog maybe you will feel my pain. Messy room, no good lighting because it is winter, no photographer, no good spot to take pictures, ... Yet you still want outfit of the day pictures. This is why I always get stuck with mirrored selfies and have to crop them because you can otherwise see all my junk on the floor because I'm a messy person. I hope you don't mind, I have to work with what I've got. 

I took these pictures the day after my last outfit post in between to exams, a.k.a studyday. I was not planning on going outside and do anything else than study in bed. I hate learning on a chair at a desk. Laying in bed all day requires comfy clothes so I opted for an H&M jogging from the mens section. Damn on this blog it seems like I only wear boys clothes, okay I do a lot of the time but I promise I have girlsclothes. Pinkyswear. Above that I wore the same top from the day before. Great thing about the tops with the big armholes they don't get stinky so I wore them a second day. Same little top underneath and voila, done.
 Baggy study outfit, check. 


- Nikki

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

What I bought - Present Edition

Hi lovelies, 
A while ago at the end of October I went to Hema and found that their was a limited edition line going on. All kind of products that they don't have otherwise, from jewelry to household products. I saw the jewelrystand and was like I have to have a look at that. I found a set of earrings, a ring and a necklace. The necklace is just a small gold heart and it's really adorable. I also saw a ring with initials in them and I texted Anais and was like 'there is a ring with an N in it' and she was like 'Ooh that's so awesome. I want that!' So guess what? Considering the pieces were really inexpensive, I bought them for her as a present. Aren't we so cute together it's really annoying? So 2 presents for her and yes, I bought myself a present too. The earrings are so pretty, they are oval shaped earrings in the most gorgeous shade emerald, dark green. Sadly they come off pretty blue in the picture. They had a blue version too btw. I don't know why I am describing these pieces because you can see them yourself below.

Everything together it cost me 9.85 euro. I think the necklace was 3.95 and the earrings and ring both 2.95. So that's all very cheap that's probably because the quality isn't great because well you can't have real gold for that little amount of money. It's probably made from Nikkel and I hope it's not because Anais is allergic to that. That thought only hit me after I already bought her presents. I could cry because I felt so stupid that I forgot that but well yeah too late now. My lovely girlfriend did really like it or at least that's what she told me to not hurt my feelings. 

- Nikki

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Someday Randoms #1

Hi lovelies, 
You know those random pictures that are too cute to do nothing with but not cute enough to be the center of an entire blogpost? My solution? Throw them all in one random-pictures-post. 
at Anais' school
Two of my little munchkins 
When you see a giant winnie the pooh on the street, you just drop everything you're carrying and go hug it, right? Or is that just me?
Whilst you do the above-mentioned also yell 'Anais, grab my camera, I need a picture!!!!!' Jep, Awesome...
Google chrome has updated and I love it, A dinosaur when your internet dissapears? I'm on board.
I have brown eyes but sometimes they shift colour, from light brown to very very dark brown when I've worked out (not that I workout so that never happens anymore FYI). Once when there was snow they turned bloodred (Seriously scary and awesome) but this very day the inside was still brown but the outsides turned green. I tried to photograph it but it doesn't show up as vibrant as in real life.
Duckface, anyone? I love how you see my stretch and piercing in this picture.
My guilty pleasure cookies and what did I notice? I missed a cookie in my package in the right basket. Me no likey...
My blog got 2000 pageviews, Aaaah so excited. I mean it's nothing to all those big blogs but it was a lot to me. Especially because almost nobody knows I'm running a blog. I don't even promote it because I don't want the people I know to have opinions on it, and with that I mean think it's stupid. So this all means people have found my blog on their own and I hope they like it and keep following it.
My dad bought my mother an ice-cream maker and at first she was like are you kidding me? Are you making me actually make ice-cream? But now she loves it, she likes experimenting with flavors and I guess she likes it so much because we all like the ice cream she makes. This one is raspberry and it's my favorite. I loved it sooooo much. Good job mommy.
On a sunday I went to see my nephew and look how much he has grown since our family get together in the summer. He is adorable. He is such a puffy baby and I love that. I think it's adorable that he has those fluffy babycheeks and puffy eyes. I get those same puffy eyes when I've cried. So I'm sorry little nephew, that's a familytraid, live with it.

- Nikki