Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Milo adoration

My godchild must be the cutest one.
Ah the feeling everyone must have when there are children in their life. I've been a godmother for almost 2 years now and the amount of cuteness they can fit in such a small human being still amazes me. It's amazing to see him develop into a tiny human.  He has such a strong personality. He is loves attention, he loves to help people. He insists on making people their coffee, yes too small to talk but can make a mean coffee. He absolutely hates having his hair cut hence this haircut. He squeaks. He loves listening to oldschool music. He steals everyones cookies. He demands to see the selfies we took together or he gets upset. He is also the proud new owner of my giant Winny the pooh stuffed animal.

Yeah, I love that child to bits.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

That time by the seaside

A few weeks ago Anais and I went on a tiny vacation to Nieuwpoort. September is kinda the last time you'll have any chance to get good weather so we jumped at the chance to go for a long weekend. We had a very chill weekend, walking by the sea, shopping, lots of reading and just general chilling. All topped off with a great dinner at restaurant Den Artiest in Oostende. The retro vibes that restaurant has is amazing. But looks isn't everything, the food was even better. Every piece of meat was prepared on an open grill. You can actually see them preparing it at the firepit. Amazing.