Hi babes,
Today I'm rewriting the furrybabies blogpost that I promised earlier. It's a long one so prepare yourself.
Last week on Wednesday the 28th of June I believe, we lost Jack the gerbil. He was a very old little gerbil. He was somewhere between four and five years old. Over a year ago we lost his little brother Twinkie so we never expected him to live this long. We kinda figured he would die out of loneliness but he persevered and we tried to keep up by giving him so much attention. My brother became a replacement Twinkie, as he's the only boy in the house Jack gravitated toward my brother. He bloody loved my brother. He became a lot more tame over the last year. He was so active and was always running around, jumping through the room(he would always jump of the bed and claim the rest of the room), reclaiming his territory after my hamster would've been in the room before him, shredding every piece of cardboard the could get his paws on.
Anyways it was all fun and games untill about a month ago he became sick. When I got home we noticed he wouldn't use his back legs anymore. Just like that out of the blue, he didn't fall or anything so he couldn't have broken something. He also had a small wound on his foot but even when that healed, he didn't start using his legs again. We were prepared for things to go quickly by this point, we didn't think he would make it through the night. Anais wasn't even home so I begged Jack the gerbil to hold on until she got home and boy he did, he held on and on and managed to get by, half paralysed might I add, for longer than a MONTH. We have one though cookie of a gerbil. He didn't seemed to be in pain or sad about it. He managed to live with his handicap and did almost everything as he used too, even with the heathwave that was going on. He would still rip toiletrolls to shreds, he would just do it laying down,... The only difference was he didn't want to go out of his cage anymore nor did he want human contact. I think he felt more vulnorable and less safe because he couldn't really safe himself anymore incase of danger.
About a week before he died he would start to bury his bottom half in to the bedding and just eat like that, he started to chew on wood/cardboard less and less. The last two days he didn't move himself at all anymore, he started to eat less to barely anything, he slept continuously and eventually died in his sleep. Which is the best outcome I guess, you never want to see your pet suffer it's best if they go in their sleep. He had a good life and we were so happy to have had him in our lives as long as we did. Gerbils are just the best creatures. <3
Onto Ganache the hamster, he's also getting old. He's past the two-year-old mark and we're starting to notice. He's more grey than brown. He isn't as active anymore, also doesn't want to come out of the cage as badly as he used to. He would do anything in the past to get out and get cuddles and free running space but now he just seems to tired for it.
He got a bit sick over the winter. He had an eye that kept getting clogged up. It was sticky and stuck both eyelids together so he couldn't see if we didn't rub it open with a warm cloth. Eventually we took him to the vets and as by miracle just arriving at the vet seemed to heal him. Nothing to see except the most active excited little hamster but the vet gave us eyedrops just in case. Of course by the end of the week his eye got sticky again and he had to have a week of antibiotic eyedrops twice a day. It was a struggle as he really didn't want to get these drops but we made it, his eye healed and has been healthy ever since.
Over the past days we noticed he sleeps most of the day and night, he doesn't run (as far as I can tell) in his wheel. He breathes faster and his heartrate seems to be up. He stumbles and seems to fall over a lot of the time. We fear he might have diabetes which apparently has these symptoms. We've put him on a sugarfree diabetes diet and hope this will fix it or at least keep it under control. We did give him a lot of fruit en veggies over the past month maybe that has caused it together with his old age? We don't know but hope for te best. I'll update when things change.
- Nikki
My Sprinkles Of Love
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Missed me? Here's an update
Hi babes,
Here we are again, update time. I think by now we have established that I only blog when I feel like it and have the time which is rarely. Now that the school year is over once again but my vacationjob hasn't started yet it's prime blogging time #thumbsupforthat.
Over the last year I've started my shortened bachelor degree as a nurse. As you may or may not now I graduated as a ''graduated nurse'' which is a level below a bachelor. You basically do the same things but get paid less because the emphasis of the coursework is more practise based than all the theory and reasoning behind why you do things or how the illness is exactly formed. We got the basis version of that but I still wanted to know more about everything so I started my bachelor which is shortened because I already am a nurse. You can combine it with work but I've decided against that because I'm scared I wouldn't get around to studying after work.
Tomorrow I'm getting my grades from the last round of exams so I'm a bit nervous. I've passed the other three rounds so that's great. I really hope I've passed this round also, that would mean a Summer without a resit which would be the first time as a bachelor student. I've attempted a bachelor degree before but that didn't go as well, usually a lot of resits and little to no motivation. I've got a feeling my exams went well so I'm hopeful but you never know.
As far as Summer plans go... Coming Friday I have an appointment for a new piercing and I couldn't be more excited. I'm planning on getting a dermal underneath my left collarbone. You'll probably get to see a picture on Instagram at the end of the week. Maybe even here if I manage to keep going with the blogging thing. Later in the summer I'm going to Dour festival. It's kind of a tradition by now and again I'm so excited. I'm already planning what to bring and which outfits to wear even though that's kind of impossible with the Belgian weather you never know what you're going to get so my ideas may not even be wearable if it chucks it down with rain the entire week.
After Dour festival I start my summerjob. Two months full time as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital which is really fun. I look forward to it, I kinda missed working this year because I didn't intern nor did a weekendjob so I'd like to get back into the swing of things.
That's it for now,
I'm also gonna write a little animal update after this so you'll have that to look forward to.
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Review - MAC Studio Waterweight Foundation
Hi lovelies,
How are you? Long time no see.
For a while now I haven't been inspired to blog and kind of gave up on it but inspiration struck today when I was doing my make-up. I have developed very strong feelings about my current foundation so I'm sharing those today.
I have been using the MAC Studio Waterweight foundation on and off for a year. I use the shade NC20. From the couple foundations that I own that is the one that's closest to my shade so I'm currently back to using it. Initially, a year ago, I was really happy with this foundation. I'm not sure what changed but lately I'm really disappointed by it. The last few weeks that I've been using the foundation it has looked shitty on my skin. I don't wear foundation everyday so I kept on trying to use it but I gave up on it today. Here are my thoughts and concerns.
It has a medium coverage which is fine but it does absolutely nothing for my undereyes. It needs concealer to help with the situation but for some reason the concealer doesn't look good on top of it. Besides that it's streaky when you use a buffing brush so you'd think a beautyblender-type sponge will help but no! that soaks up so much product because the formula is so watery because it's a waterbased foundation (it does blend better though!!!) so I have a lot of issues putting it on properly. I can also say you'll go through a bottle really fast comparing to my other foundations! On the skin it leaves not really a tacky feeling but a greasy feeling. Lately it has also not been my perfect colour so I'm just done with it.
I'm sure this is a lovely foundation when you have a more normal skintype but for my dry skin it does nothing. My skin looks better without it but also note that not many foundations look good on me at the moment.
If you have any foundation recommendations for dry-skinned-gals, PLEASE let me know.
- Nikki
How are you? Long time no see.
For a while now I haven't been inspired to blog and kind of gave up on it but inspiration struck today when I was doing my make-up. I have developed very strong feelings about my current foundation so I'm sharing those today.
First I shall describe my skin so you'll have an idea if my review can be useful for you. I have very dry skin especially round my nose, around my eyes, middle of my forehead and cheeks. Recently I've noticed little bumps on my skin that aren't pimples but more texture, if you will. Lastly my undereyes are almost transparent and plain purple so difficult to cover up.I have been using the MAC Studio Waterweight foundation on and off for a year. I use the shade NC20. From the couple foundations that I own that is the one that's closest to my shade so I'm currently back to using it. Initially, a year ago, I was really happy with this foundation. I'm not sure what changed but lately I'm really disappointed by it. The last few weeks that I've been using the foundation it has looked shitty on my skin. I don't wear foundation everyday so I kept on trying to use it but I gave up on it today. Here are my thoughts and concerns.
The MAC Studio Waterweight foundation clings to my dry patches like no other but the absolutely worst part is how it bunches up around my nose/nostril area where it just looks crusty, yes that's a disgusting way to describe it but it's true and nobody want to look crusty, okay?! It also emphasizes my texture.It has a medium coverage which is fine but it does absolutely nothing for my undereyes. It needs concealer to help with the situation but for some reason the concealer doesn't look good on top of it. Besides that it's streaky when you use a buffing brush so you'd think a beautyblender-type sponge will help but no! that soaks up so much product because the formula is so watery because it's a waterbased foundation (it does blend better though!!!) so I have a lot of issues putting it on properly. I can also say you'll go through a bottle really fast comparing to my other foundations! On the skin it leaves not really a tacky feeling but a greasy feeling. Lately it has also not been my perfect colour so I'm just done with it.
I'm sure this is a lovely foundation when you have a more normal skintype but for my dry skin it does nothing. My skin looks better without it but also note that not many foundations look good on me at the moment.
If you have any foundation recommendations for dry-skinned-gals, PLEASE let me know.
- Nikki
Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Milo adoration
My godchild must be the cutest one.
Ah the feeling everyone must have when there are children in their life. I've been a godmother for almost 2 years now and the amount of cuteness they can fit in such a small human being still amazes me. It's amazing to see him develop into a tiny human. He has such a strong personality. He is loves attention, he loves to help people. He insists on making people their coffee, yes too small to talk but can make a mean coffee. He absolutely hates having his hair cut hence this haircut. He squeaks. He loves listening to oldschool music. He steals everyones cookies. He demands to see the selfies we took together or he gets upset. He is also the proud new owner of my giant Winny the pooh stuffed animal.
Yeah, I love that child to bits.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016
That time by the seaside
A few weeks ago Anais and I went on a tiny vacation to Nieuwpoort. September is kinda the last time you'll have any chance to get good weather so we jumped at the chance to go for a long weekend. We had a very chill weekend, walking by the sea, shopping, lots of reading and just general chilling. All topped off with a great dinner at restaurant Den Artiest in Oostende. The retro vibes that restaurant has is amazing. But looks isn't everything, the food was even better. Every piece of meat was prepared on an open grill. You can actually see them preparing it at the firepit. Amazing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
HAP festival 2016
Throwback time - food festival
Now that Autumn is in full swing and temperature is dropping at alarming rates I'm already longing for warm Summer days with cocktails and great food. Today I'm looking back on exactly one of those days; the weekend we had HAP foodfestival in town. I had a great time and ate lots of amazing food. Definitely a recommendation for next year.
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My brother |
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The lovely girlfriend that will kill me for this picture |
Sunday, October 23, 2016
The Furry Babies Round-Up
Hi babes,
Whilst we're talking about animal updates here's another one for ya.
- Mousti the cat is still looking fabulously fat.
- Louke (Anais' parents blond dog) got very ill a few weeks back. He nearly died from dehydration from a virus or even poisoning we don't know but we nearly lost him. Luckily he made it. We did find out he is even older than we thought. He is already 16 years old but still looks as cute as a puppy.
- Pinky the turtle is as needy as ever. Below you can enjoy a picture of her in the bathtub.
- Last but not least Ganache still loves snuggling with this human. Proof is in the picuteres.
Goodbyeeee- Nikki
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