Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What I got for Christmas 2014

Hi lovelies,
I hope you had a wonderful festive period. I hope you had a great time and if that's not the case I hope you at least got the presents you wished for to make up for it. I personally had a great time. Okay there are the moment I felt like I was going to kill my family. My family seems to get more stressed than excited for family parties. That's why I totally get it if you don't enjoy this time of year. That being said I do feel like I've grown up a lot in the past year considering Christmas (only Christmas - I'm a Disneylovingchild forever). This is the first year in my life I cared less about the presents. Usually I'm quite greedy and have my list of things I want ready. This year was different and that has translated in my presents. I don't have a lot to show you because my presents were more sentimental and activitybased than materialistic. I'll talk about them below but first this.
I also felt a shift in wanting to receive gifts to wanting to buy and think about what I would give to others. I never bought presents for my family. My aunties usually buy things and say 'well, I got you this, you can give that to your parents and this to your grandparents,..' I realise now that how lazy that was, It's okay when your a child but it shouldn't have happened this way until I was 20 years old. This year I decided to buy my own presents and it feels so much better. My spoiled my girlfriend and bought her so many tiny gifts and she loved it so I loved it. For my father I bought a tie and I feel proud when he wears it because I chose it. I'm really happy I've made this change and have finally grown up. 
Last but not least we introduced a new thing in our family. My aunties thought it would be funny to set a budget of 5 euros per person and buy food and then do something fun with it. You know as a silly little thing. Sceptical as I always am, I didn't agree at all. I found it a stupid idea unless you would give the food we purchased to a charity. So that's what we did. We shopped and between Christmas and new years we brought the food to our local Poverello. Which is an organisation that helps the poor people in our city. They can go there for cheap clothes and a warm meal and/or coffeebreak. I felt so appreciated by doing that that it will definitely become a new tradition. It's only a small thing to do but all little things count.

Now back to what I got for Christmas
- Bongo gift certificate for a wellness weekend - Girlfriend
- Lush bathbombs : father Christmas, blueberry, wizard - Girlfriend
- Vivabox cinema and a bongo gift certificate for a dinner for 2 which was for Anais but I'll be joining her so it may count as a present for me - Girlfriends grandparents
- 3 entrancetickets for a wellness centre near us - Parents-in-law
- Gift certificate for a restaurant I like - Auntie
- A handmade cookbook with all my beloved family recipies which I will treasure for ever - Auntie 
- Money so I can't buy whatever I want - my parents
All by all my year ended well. I'll also do a get ready with me- christmas edition as well as a new years edition and I also see a 2014 favorites in the near future. 


- Nikki

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