Monday, January 4, 2016

Thoughts and resolutions

Hi babes, 
Another year, another try on this blogging thing. For the last year I haven't been very consistent. I was kinda bored with blogging. I wasn't happy with the pictures I took (or let others take), I wasn't happy with the content I was coming up with. It all felt so cliché  and unoriginal. Besides that I also didn't want to make time for it anymore, going to school for whole days messed with the blogging schedule to be honest.

I'm also thinking about changing the direction of my blog. The content I was producing just doesn't work with my situation, life,... I would love to publish lots of outfitideas and other things in that direction but taking that kinda pictures yourself is pretty hard and looks very posed but I don't have a great photographer in my inner circle so that's also not an option. Until this moment I made Anais take my pictures but she bloody hates it so I'm not going to force her anymore (I think, well at least for now ;) )

Lately I've come to the conclusion that I much prefer to take pictures than be in front of the camera. I don't know where exactly this blog is going but I do know I want to work on my photo-taking-skills and do something with that here. I also want this blog to be more lifestyle-themed instead of being the typical (but failing) beauty- or fashionblogger. I think I want to go into the direction of my instagram my instagram but more extensive, more pictures, more words.

Let's hope that in the new year I can stick to these blogresulutions and upload a bit more often. Can't make any promises though, school has a tendency to get in the way just as my mood or social life. Even though it was a bad year for the blog, I actually had a pretty good year. I was in a better mood, had better grades, I came outside more, made more of an effort to do actual activities and have a social life. Here's to hoping that 2016 will be equally great.


- Nikki 

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