Hi lovelies,
Last weekend I went to Disneyland Paris with my lovely girlfriend, her sister and said sisters girlfriend. I like to believe it was for my birthday as an extra present but we were going to go anyway. We booked a bungalow at the Davy Crocquett ranch a few miles from the parc. We left Saturday at 3AM and drove all the way to Paris. 
Easy, we thought, but no something had to go wrong. We were just in France, halfway down the tollway, right after a bend in the highway, when Aida who was driving noticed black smoke and just in time managed to throw the wheel to the other side to avoid driving into a truck who had crashed. So what happened was seconds or minutes before we drove around the bend, a truck drove into another truck on the same lane we were driving, but in France they don't have streetlight's so we couldn't see that had happened until we were very close. One of those trucks caught fire and was burning out, pieces of the trucks were spread across the entire highway. We hit one of those pieces but managed to stay alive somehow. If Aida wouldn't have been able to avoid that truck we would've died. That's such a scary thought. We thought everything was okay and drove all the way to Paris.
Once we were over the shock and arrived at the ranch, we checked in and got our tickets. We weren't able to go into our bungalow just yet and had to wait to 3PM to drop our bags off so we left everything in the car and drove to the Disneyland parc.
Arrived at Disneyland!!! So much excitement!!!
We walked straight over to Space mountain because everybody knows how legendary long those lines are...
but because we were so early we could walk straight through! YES! Space mountain really is the best ride from the entire park if you ask me.
As excited as a child in well... Disneyland <3
The cutest minnie mouse standing in line in front of us
3 hours for the nemoride
We finally got in the ride, started moving and when your cart get pulled up on that highest point we got stuck. I kid you not we were stuck for a full couple of minutes and when we moved again the lights all fell out and as you may know Nemo has those amazing animations which we didn't see because we were in the creepy broken lightfree ride. Jup we had all the good luck in Disneyland.
Disneyfigures parade which we accidentally ran into but thank god because that's what Disney is all about
We also did plenty of shopping in all the Disneystores, where we almost got robbed. Some woman tried to get in my backpack which was on Anais back. Thank god Anais noticed so fast and could move away. The zipper was already open but everything was still inside. We really had bad luck this trip or incredibly good luck depending how you look at it.
But where was I with my story? So when we wanted to go back to our cabin around 3-4PM we noticed a big leak under our car but we didn't really noticed where it came from so we drove to the cabin, slept for a while and drove back to the park when we noticed we left a trail of leaking fluid. We called our parents who called the insurance company. They send a technician and turned out we couldn't drive the car anymore and our car got towed. Only in Disneyland people, who ever anticipated that? They drove us back to our cabin after a lot of drama so we didn't see much of Disneyland anymore that day.
I'll tell you more about the rest of our Disneyland trip in a few days so come back if you're curious!
- Nikki
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