Saturday, November 1, 2014

Warm autumn days

Hi lovelies,
Yes, I'm on a roll. I pre-planned a few blogposts. Thank god for vacation and extra free time. I'm going to space the few blogpost I can prepare a bit more apart. That way it looks like I can plan and upload once or maybe twice a week. 
Last week we had a very warm fall day. It was lovely. With 16 degrees I found it was appropriate to wear shorts with bare legs one more time. I wore a black and white cross sweater from New Look with my Rise Against band tee underneath. For the bottompart I wore grey ripped shorts from Bershka and slip-on shoes from Primark.
Behind the scenes with my favorite (also only) photographer.


- Nikki


  1. That's a really cool (yet a little ominous) outfit. Greetings from your northern neighbors. :)

    1. OMG so Fun to see a comment on a blogpost from so many years ago .thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
