Thursday, December 19, 2013

Chocolate doesn't judge, Chocolate understands.

Hi lovelies, 
Everybody in the blogger and youtubeworld is so into the Chrismasspirit that you would almost forget that in our country we also celebrate 'Sinterklaas' which when you translate it sounds like santaclaus. The story they once told me in primary school was that we had Sinterklaas and the Americans didn't have that and thought 'hmmm maybe we should have that too' and called the good man Santa Claus. It basically works the same. You have Sinterklaas and he moves himself from house to house on a horse and he has helpers. Not only does he move on a horse but he does that on rooftops. Because he is an old man and is too old to get down the chimney to lay gifts, he sents one of his helpers down the chimney who opens the front door for him. Thanks to the ash and coal from the chimnney their skin has become black and that's why the helpers are called Zwarte Pieten or Black Piet. Sinterklaas comes to your home in the night before December 6th if you have been nice and put out a treat for him like a glass of milk and some sugar cubes or a carrot for his horse next to your shoe because yes he lays presents and candy in or next to a shoe. Santa claus also leaves you presents on December 24th or 25th, depends on when you open your presents. At my house we open them on Christmas eve. This long story only means one thing. It's a very expensive month for all the parents out there but ooooh so much fun for the children because you get gifts twice in one month. 

Now that you have that background information I'll talk about the real subject of this post. I was interning in the beginning of December and when it was December 6th patients gave me lots of chocolate. Just as a thankyou and to be in the Sinterklaasspirit. One of the patients gave me a bag full of these chocolates. Look how cute they are.  
If you live in Belgium or the Netherlands, I hope you had a lovely day full of candy and presents. 


- Nikki 

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