Friday, November 8, 2013

Coco-scare update

Hi lovelies, 
Remember last week when Cocopuff was in a really bad condition and I told you I'd keep you guys up to date? Here I am a week later and a few days later. 

So My little boy had an ulcer full of pus and was 'operated'. My dad opened the ulcer and squished all the junk out. My dad is not a veterinarian but he is a Doctor so he knows what he's doing, it really is the same as with people. We put a balm on the wound to help it heal faster but only twice because I was afraid that he would lick it and die of poisoning. Jep I'm paranoid. We further let nature go it course . I tried to check him every day or at least every 2 days. He really doesn't like it when you hold him on his back to check his butt or belly, so that wasn't easy. The wound healed very fast and looked smaller and better everyday. A week later on Thursday the wound is almost completely healed and he is doing much better. 

So physically everything seemed to go well but I was so stressed and I cried a couple of times because he never wanted to picked up and ran away from me when I put my hand near him. I tend to overreact to small things because I love him so much but it seemed like he was scared of me and didn't like me anymore. I do know it was due to stress and because he was still in pain. When time passed he got more interested in interaction and got more active. Now Friday a week later he is running again in his wheel, runs around, reorganises his entire house, he walks towards me when I enter the room or stand next to his cage and he just voluntarily jumps on my hand again. Conclusion: He loves me again and feels better, I can see it and am a very happy mommy now. 

I played with him a little on friday and filmed him when he was running around. He does this thing where he runs to the side of my bed, where I hold my hand and he jumps on it. I put him back on the bed and the thing happens all over again. I call it his 'workout' because he runs faster and faster to the side every time. The footage is a bit shaky and not always in focus because he is so damn fast and I have to catch him so yeah...

As you can see he is an active munchkin and does a lot better. He is soooo cute.


- Nikki

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